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Dance Your Worries Away: Stroke Rehabilitation

By Pamela Ward

Everyone has a certain talent or a hobby that they enjoy doing. These are the type of activities that normally give them a great sense of joy and an overall new meaning to life. Stroke rehabilitation is great when make you feel alive and basically don t want to stop. One hobby you might enjoy doing could be dancing but you might not exactly be good at it and this is when a dancing class comes into play.

Joining a dancing class is not only for beginners or people who have little experience in dancing. Experienced people could also join. They then use this platform to better their skills as one is never too young to learn. However, the most reason of joining such a class is for accomplishment and pleasure.

One can use this platform as a way of getting to know people and to network. Sometimes, life and career choices make you invincible and you are not exposed to social events or people. However, when you join such a lesson, you will get to know people and in turn they will get to know you and that is how you become friends.

The people who teach you how to dance are either an individual or a group of dance specialists who have been in your shoes and know how it must feel to yearn how to be a great dancer. That said, they know all the efforts that you need to take as a student to be better and they are there to help you along the way.

There will be some tough days. The tutors are not really easy to please as they want you to be the best you can on stage and for the world. It is their reputation that s on the line and they don t want to ruin it by teaching you mediocre dancing skills that will amount to nothing in the industry. Instead, they push you and may even put pressure on you to stay close to perfection.

There is a lot you need to look forward to. Greatness waits for no man and there is only so much you can do in a day. You need to take things slow and not rush the process. When you blast the course, you won t be giving yourself time to grow. Growth and development is very important in the art of dancing.

You can t change anything about people not applauding you for what you doing. They don t need to give you a standing ovation you anyway, they just need to accept and respect what you want. Always put your happiness first and don t let people criticize you for doing what you enjoy doing the most. Live the best days of your life by doing what you love.

Don t always people stop you from doing what your heart desires. If you have to be the only black sheep at home that likes to dance, then so be it. The whole idea is to be happy right? Anybody and everyone else can wait! You and your joy comes first. Nothing and nobody else should stop or judge you for following your heart.

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