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A Senior Beauty Blog Helps Women Feel Good About Getting Older

By Susan Baker

For decades, it was common to see advertisements for cosmetics and find the model or spokesperson was probably no older than her mid twenties. However, in the past decade or so, this has changed. At one time, it was a big deal to have a model who was obviously in her forties in a glamorous role but now seventy is the new fifty. As more women are learning how to feel better about themselves as they age, they can also look to a senior beauty blog for inspiration about fashion and makeup.

Gone are the days of an older woman sitting around the house in a mumu and wearing the same fuzzy slippers throughout the day. Even if a woman does not work outside the home, they are finding satisfaction working for themselves or being active in their communities. Many take pride in being fit and having a youthful spirit, which can extend their quality of life.

If one were in search of inspiration, there are many public figures that are considered glamorous. These women do not let age stand in their way when it comes to running the stage or behind the scenes, as feeling fierce has few limitations. Although some may have had cosmetic work done, there is a new breed of actresses and others in entertainment and politics that wear their age with pride.

In essence, it was not about putting on a mask but getting to the heart of natural beauty. Stress, negativity, and lack of exercise were some of the things that seemed to age women and make them more vulnerable to chronic ailments. Diets that are filled with nutrients are also important to overall wellbeing and natural energy levels.

Even if a gal does not have a lot of money, there are many beauty blogs for women of all ages and budgets. Being able to create the spa experience at home is something that is necessary. Not only do many of these methods and products feel good but offer many benefits like softer skin.

While some of the tips given may not be a substitute for a licensed medical professional, there are some basic things that can make a big difference. Eating more unprocessed grains and cutting back on saturated fats can give anyone more natural energy. Although the exercises do not have to be rigorous, a regular workout routine is better than none at all, especially if excess weight is an issue.

Although some women object to getting cosmetic work done, there are some procedures that are not so invasive and the outcome is subtle. Things like permanent makeup can give more definition without looking extreme. Many mature women swear by getting plenty of rest and drinking plenty of water, as opposed to getting any surgical procedure.

Another area that mature beauty blogs cover is fitness. While some women may find it harder to lose the extra pounds as they age, others want to retain their natural muscle tone and restore as much energy as possible, Although the beauty needs for this demographic may be slightly different, the feelgood message is universal.

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