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Facts On Smart Lipo Scarsdale Residents Should Understand

By Gary Wagner

Cosmetic surgery is one of the fastest growing fields of medicine today. The general trend is to refine existing techniques in manner that minimizes complications and brings about the best outcomes possible. Liposuction is a technique that has been in use for some time now and is also undergoing major improvements. The advent of smart lipo is one of these improvements. If they intend to undergo smart lipo Scarsdale residents should know a number of things on the procedure.

The reasons as to why clients may want to undergo smartlipo are similar to those of liposuction. One of these reasons is the removal of unwanted fats in some parts of the body. Although engaging in regular physical exercise and having a proper diet are the recommended methods of losing weight, some of the fat deposits do not respond to these methods hence the need for surgical intervention. The procedure is also used to reverse some effects of aging in the skin.

The main improvement brought about by this procedure is the fact that it is now minimally invasive. The doctor will typically insert a probe below the skin so as to direct the laser fibre to the area of interest. The laser generates energy that is used to break down fat cells. The fat obtained is drained from the site without any effect on the surrounding tissues. The entire procedure takes about one hour, on average.

The procedure is usually very precise and, therefore, local anethesia is preferred. Local anesthesia only numbs the area that is operated on unlike regional and general anesthesia which have greater areas of coverage. As a result the complications associated with anesthesia are fewer. The precision also helps in reducing pain, scars and bleeding.

This cosmetic procedure is considered quite safe but just like any form of surgery, it is not free of complications. Among the possible complications are bleeding, infections and formation of scars at the incision sites. If bleeding is not controlled, it has a potential to gather below the skin and form what is known as a hematoma. Fortunately many of these complications are quite rare.

In general, the time that is needed for recovery is shorter than what is needed when one undergoes the traditional form of the procedure. Patients should expect the experience some discomfort during the first few days. There may also be swelling and bruising which get better with time. Strenuous physical activities should be avoided and the diet should be of low sodium content.

Smartlipo is a special cosmetic surgical operation commonly used on the face. Some of the conditions for which it has proven effective include cellulite and sagging skin. Results will usually be noticeable immediately after the procedure with much more improvement coming in subsequent weeks and months. Compression garments may be prescribed to maintain the appearance.

Potential candidates for this procedure need to have a weight that does not exceed 30 pounds. The weight is required to have been stable for not less than a year. Smokers are advised to abstain for a few weeks to prevent interference with the healing process. Blood thinners increase the rate of bleeding and should also be discontinued momentarily.

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