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Should You Use The Car Seat And Stroller Rental Maui Companies Offer

By Thomas Walker

Taking trips with little kids has all kinds of challenges. If you plan to travel to Hawaii by plane and rent a car for example, you have to make decisions about whether to rent the baby equipment you need, bring it on the plane with you, or buy it once you arrive. Sometimes the car seat and stroller rental Maui businesses offer is a good idea and other times it makes more sense to do something else.

The least complicated way to rent is through the car leasing agency when you make your reservation. If you decide to go this route, you can expect as much as sixteen dollars a day down to as little as eight dollars added into the cost of the vehicle. If you plan to rent the car for a number of days, the company may offer you a discount. AAA members get one free car seat when they reserve a vehicle with one of the major leasing companies.

According to parents who have rented seats from car leasing agencies, the equipment is pretty basic. The leasing company will offer you a safety guarantee. You will be depending on the integrity and credibility of that company though.

One of the major agencies gives a written guarantee that states they only purchase equipment that meets the standards of state and federal regulations. It goes on to state that the company checks the seats for missing parts and defects. They store seats in plastic to keep them in good condition according to the statement.

Choosing convenience over safety is a terrible idea, but if you feel comfortable with the equipment the leasing company offers you it could be a good idea. It's an especially tempting idea when you are traveling for just a few days. It is certainly less of a hassle than hauling your own baby seats and strollers onto a plane.

If you won't be renting a car, or don't feel comfortable renting from the leasing company, you might be able to find a specialty store that rents baby equipment. You can find them in metropolitan areas, and they tend to have more of a selection, in terms of sizes and brands, than leasing companies. They can be pricey though, charging as much as $60 per day. You may have to weigh this cost with the cost of buying new, especially for an extended trip.

Sometimes it makes more economic sense to buy something when you get to your destination. What to do after you get off the plane, but before you have a seat can be a problem. Parents who have done this suggest renting a car with a seat and heading for the nearest big box store. You can buy what you need there and install it.

The leasing company will charge you for using the equipment for the day, but the fee is nominal. If you happen to own a combination stroller car seat, you should consider bringing it with you. Even though it's a hassle to take on the plane, the cost savings is probably worth it.

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