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Qigong Therapy Helps Alleviate The Symptoms Of Osteoarthritis

By Michael Nelson

Health authorities say that there are over a hundred types of arthritis out there. One type that is affecting many is called osteoarthritis. In this article, you will come across what's referred to as qigong therapy, which is deemed highly effective for managing the symptoms of osteoarthritis without the need to take drugs.

In a nutshell, osteoarthritis is damage to the joint tissue. This is usually brought about by the passing of time. It's exactly due to this reason why age is regarded as a risk factor for osteoarthritis. The older you get, the higher your risk of waking up with osteoarthritis in the future.

Sadly, it's not just the elderly that osteoarthritis can pester. Doctors admit that there are a few other known risk factors for it. One of those is having excess pounds. Because the joints of someone who is overweight or obese are constantly stressed, it's very much likely for osteoarthritis to affect his or her weight bearing joints one day.

Another known risk factor is joint injury. If you're into sports or weightlifting and you injured a joint, there's a huge possibility for it to eventually develop osteoarthritis. Such is true even after the joint has fully bounced back.

This form of arthritis runs in families, according to health authorities. If you have family members who are suffering from such, then you may also battle it sooner or later. Scientists say that this can be blamed on certain genes that you may inherit from your parents.

The problem with osteoarthritis is there is no known cure for it. Once it's there, it can keep on bugging the individual. In fact, it's regarded by doctors as a progressive disease. This only means that it can worsen as the years pass.

Fret not because it is very much possible to considerably slow down the disease's progression. Getting rid of excess body pounds is one of the things that may be done. Also effective for delaying the worsening of osteoarthritis is staying physically active.

As for dealing with the symptoms, there are many drugs available for it. These pharmaceutical solutions work by reducing inflammation, which is the primary reason why joints affected by osteoarthritis feel painful. Unfortunately, constant intake of these drugs is not a good idea. It's for the fact that they are known to come with a number of side effects. Also, various scientific investigations reveal that high doses of these drugs are associated with health dangers, a lot of which are quite serious such as damage to the liver and kidneys.

One natural solution for reducing the symptoms of osteoarthritis is referred to as qigong. It's actually an age old form of Chinese exercise and martial arts. A lot of people these days are also utilizing it for the management of anxiety, depression and chronic stress.

Why it works impressively is because it keeps the joints movable. It also encourages weight loss, which is extremely beneficial for anyone who is afflicted with osteoarthritis. Qigong also helps in controlling inflammation.

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Why You Need A Boise Addiction Doctor

By John Stevens

Kick-starting the prescription for drug abuse and heavy drinking or any other addiction is a difficult step for most addicts. You need a specialists who will help you get through the ropes and offer the necessary guidance and encouragement to help you recover fully. Boise Addiction Doctor offers the best assistance that helps addicts start the long term battle with their cravings and avoid relapse.

Relapse prevention is one of the issues that the specialists deal with in their treatment plan. The goal is to ensure that patients experience long term benefits of their recovery without relapsing. To achieve the desired results, the experts engage the patients in a thorough treatment plan that tackles all their underlying issues both mentally and physically or socially. A holistic approach is a good way of ensuring that prevailing circumstances that led to the substance abuse problem are all resolved.

The patients stand a better chance of rejoining the free world and living their life without relapsing because the treatment programs fixed them wholesomely. It does not matter the social, economical, physical or mental problems that led to substance abuse, the therapeutic approach and other treatment options will help you get better.

There are therapeutic treatment sessions which involve group sessions and individual sessions that are very useful for recovering addicts. You learn to deal with the physical withdrawal symptoms. In most cases, it is the fear of the physical withdrawal symptoms that push addicts to abandon the rehab program or put it on hold. It is easy to relapse when you are using a home detox program as opposed to a professional treatment program.

The factors create an ongoing and nearly irresistible urges to use those substances. Counseling helps addicts escape those cravings and learn to cope with their life without using those drugs. You will attend several counseling therapies with different approaches to ensure that the treatment plan is working effectively. The doctor tailors the treatment to suit your specific needs and ensure that you benefit holistically.

There are group and individual therapy sessions where patients are encouraged to share their experiences and receive support from their peers as they go through the rehab program. The peer support groups are particularly effective as you have the freedom to learn from the experiences and lessons of other addicts which is a great motivation as you never want to fall in the same pitfalls.

The specialists will identify co-occurring issues like mental health problems, behavioral and learning disorders. The rehab connects the patient to an evaluation service that helps identify the underlying issues that are contributing to the substance abuse. You can be suffering from depression, mood swings or anxiety among other issues which means you need treatment for those conditions too. As a patient, you receive a comprehensive treatment that includes both medical and therapeutic or counseling.

The rehab programs offer you more than just the medical assistance and care as they also give you therapeutic support which prepares the patients for sobriety life after completing the rehab program. The interest of the specialists is to ensure patients realize holistic recovery. Contact the specialists to learn more about the services.

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U. S. International Medical Students And Young Physician Program

By Christine Thomas

While there are currently physicians and specialists working in rural areas, towns and cities, there is still a major shortage of primary care doctors and others in the United States. In fact, according to experts in the field of demographics, it is likely the country will need up to 120,000 additional specialists, general practitioners and others by the year 2030. In response, the international medical students and young physician program has now been set up in the United States.

The country is hopeful that many of those involved in the program may actually assist in overcoming the crisis. In fact, recent reports show that those enrolled in the program are more likely to go into a general practice or primary care, especially in areas where medical care is limited, or in some cases, non-existent. After which, it is hopeful more students will desire to focus on these areas in the future.

The shortage also exists due to the limited number of positions available at residency programs all across the country. For, while there are many residents registered in specialty programs, those opting to work in general practice are few and far between. At the same time, more people are now insured and seeking out medical attention than ever before in history. As a result, there will be a need for more doctors and specialists in the coming years.

With a forecast suggesting that the 65 and over population will increase by 50% over the next twelve years, the shortage is a long way from over. Considering the fact that older individuals often seek out medical attention more often than young people, and the onset of baby boomers obtaining Medicare, this demand will most likely only increase in the future.

The crisis appears to be greatest in underserved urban and rural areas. In fact, many towns such as Arcata, California have a hard time keeping doctors beyond a residency. For, the area is so rural and limited, that many whom come to study or work in the area often leave after a few years, including those in residency programs.

Medical students whether still in school or beginning a residency are also adding to the issue by refusing to work as a general practitioner or primary care physician whether as part of, or during a residency at clinics and hospitals nationwide. For, in many cases, these individuals experience higher volumes of clients and lower pay scales than in other areas.

As most residents are trained at huge hospital complexes and university hospitals, most are enrolled in specialized fields. Whereas, if more focus were put on working in more generalized areas, doctors in the United States could begin to overcome the crisis. After which, it will be much easier to determine which areas need the most assistance from those enrolled in the international program.

To assist in overcoming this shortage, one of the most prestigious international schools of medicine in the world is now supplying a number of primary care doctors to the United States. For, the university believes that by exposing students to community and outpatient clinics, the students, clients and school will benefit in the long run. After which, it is hoped that more students will work towards degrees as general practitioners or primary care physicians.

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Chiropractic Clinics Wilmington DE Provide Chronic Pain Relief

By George Hall

Pain varies greatly in type and intensity - ranging from minor discomfort and aches in the muscles, to debilitating soreness or chronic migraines. Some of these conditions will require medication - or possibly surgery, though most can be attended through noninvasive means requiring no pharmaceutical use. Chiropractic clinics Wilmington DE have many options which are natural and could be more suitable for those preferring alternatives to traditional techniques.

Prescribing medications is the primary way in which traditional medicine addresses pain alleviation. Although these products are capable of providing fast relief, it is a short-lived reprieve as they are simply masking symptoms instead of resolving the core problem. Pharmaceuticals also tend to come with negative side effects which risk an individual developing additional problems that may end up requiring more medical care.

If the pain is debilitating or continues to persist for a long period of time, traditional physicians may recommend surgery. This option is often painful - definitely intrusive - and may require one to endure a lengthy and rather uncomfortable recovery period. Natural practices can provided many people with relief without turning too drastic measures.

Chiropractors utilize methods that are based in science for the most natural relief of pain. It involves understanding the intricate interactions between the skeleton, muscles, and nervous system, and maintaining the proper relationship between the three. Their techniques allow most patients to experience significant - if not permanent - relief from their discomfort.

The most commonly practiced method of alleviation by chiropractors is spinal adjustment. This is an approach wear in the doctor utilizes manual pressure to keep the vertebrae in proper position and away from nerves and muscles. Even a slight misalignment can create difficulty when the individual is standing, sitting, or bending, for any amount of time.

All forms of adjustments are done manually, with the doctor using their hands to apply precise pressure at specific locations. They are typically painless and the majority of patients experience a near immediate reduction in pain levels which could be permanent, although some situations could require regular maintenance in order to keep results up. The latter usually occurs when the individual has to continue performing the same actions that originally resulted in the misalignment.

There are other approaches which might also be used in these offices, such as TENS application, deep tissue massage, and more. Which approach will be used will be determined by a very thorough physical examination which may also include x-rays, to help the doctor determine the most appropriate course of action. As every patient is different, the techniques can be adjusted and tailored to fit the specific needs of each individual's circumstances.

To keep damage at a minimum, it is best to seek care directly following an accident or incident - or as soon as symptoms begin appearing. Most leading insurances will cover visits to the chiropractor at least in part. Schedule an appointment at a local facility to speak to with a field specialist who can give better advice on the different options that are available and would be most beneficial for the situation at hand.

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