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Sen. Ben Cardin calls for international response to suspected Syria chemical attack

 Senator Ben Cardin, Senator Ben Cardin, Ben Cardin, Ben Cardin, Ben Cardin,
Senator Ben Cardin
Ben Cardin,

Senator Ben Cardin, a Democrat from Maryland, calls for an international response to what he calls a "violation of international standards" in Syria after an alleged chemical attack in the city controlled by the Duma rebels near the capital Damascus killed According to Syrian opposition activists and rescuers, fewer than 40 people.   
 Senator Ben Cardin, Senator Ben Cardin, Ben Cardin, Ben Cardin, Ben Cardin,
Senator Ben Cardin Ben Cardin,
 "All indications are that this situation is controlled by President Assad and once again a violation of international standards, and there must be an international response," Cardin told CBS News's "Face The Nation" newspaper. Syrian Bachar Assad.

 Senator Ben Cardin, Senator Ben Cardin, Ben Cardin, Ben Cardin, Ben Cardin,
Senator Ben Cardin 
Ben Cardin,  
   Transcript: Senator Ben Cardin in "Face the Nation"

 The alleged attack was rejected by the Syrian and Russian governments. Russia is Syria's closest ally and has a significant military presence in the country. Reports of the latest attack, which apparently targeted civilians and young children, could not be verified independently.
Cardin said that despite existing sanctions against Russia and Iran, "the Syrian regime under President Assad can not exist without the support of Russia and Iran's activities."
 Senator Ben Cardin, Senator Ben Cardin, Ben Cardin, Ben Cardin, Ben Cardin,
Senator Ben Cardin 
Ben Cardin,  
He added: "The United States, the international community must take action against Russia and Iran for what they do in Syria, so we must give a pretty strong response to another use of chemical weapons. "
 Senator Ben Cardin, Senator Ben Cardin, Ben Cardin, Ben Cardin, Ben Cardin,
Senator Ben Cardin 
Ben Cardin,  
The Democrat and a member of the Senate's External Relations Committee also said he was "pleased" that Mr. Trump explicitly called Russian President Vladimir Putin in a tweet on Sunday, tying him directly to the Assad regime.
 Senator Ben Cardin, Senator Ben Cardin, Ben Cardin, Ben Cardin, Ben Cardin,
Senator Ben Cardin 
Ben Cardin,  
"It was a significant change, but it did not do so with regard to the sanctions imposed on the oligarchs and certainly not on the interference of Mr. Putin in our own country," said Cardin.

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